
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

To Blog or Not to Blog, now there's the question...

It seems, that blogging has become a way of life for many of us and as this is my first attempt at it, it only seems fitting to reason out the wherefores and the whys of doing so.
As I am not an avid follower of many blogs, but have read a few and enjoyed a few chuckles here and there, it seems that blogging is a great way to exercise the freedom of the pen and give expression to the inner being.
It would seem that writing down my thoughts ought to be easy and generally is, but trying to write something that seems worthwhile is not always as easy as it seems. I tend to read and reread much that I write and am my own worst critique.
So hopefully what I write herein will be of value to you, the reader, and you can take most of what I place on the page with a grain or two of salt. Which puts me in mind of the recent movie Julie & Julia. A movie I truly enjoyed. I really empathized with Julie and her goal, her desire to accomplish just one thing in her life, to finish it and to write honestly about it. That one year in her life was like an encapsulation of what life is about: the struggles, the joys, the ups and downs and ins and outs. Not everything went according to plan, and there was the day when she was ready to give up, yet somehow that inner strength came forward and she persevered.
In the end she was victorious and had achieved something that many said she could not and would not be able to do. It was something as simple as keeping a blog that kept her going. A daily report of her life and her attempts to succeed and in the end that is all that matters.
For it is in the journey that we discover self and learn about who we are and what we may become. So here's to all the Julies out there who dare to blog and to those who blog back.